Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mixed Up

Sometimes i look at myself and i see myself as others do, and it really freaks me out. I look disgusting, like a malnourished 12 year old. I look fucking SICK. but that feeling always passes, quickly, and i see the faults everywhere; the podge and lumps and squidge.
I'm sick of people saying i scare them, that i'm "fucked up", "sickly" and such, it makes me want to SCREAM.
1. Its none of their motherfucking business.
2. If they give a shit then they should use their heads and realise that stabbing at an anorexic girls confidence is not helpful.

Au Revoir mon non-existant amis.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

These I Love

I love coke zero. Celery. Apple cider vinegar. Balsamic vinegar. Lettuce. & alcohol, <-- that is my weakness.